Friday, May 30, 2014


Truly speaking, to get money is not easy and that is the reason why one must be very cautious in the ways he or she handles cash. Nowadays, banks give ATM (Automated Teller machine) cards to their customers for various reasons. One of the reasons is to decongest the banking hall for cash withdrawal. Little wonder, if you decide not to flow along with the latest technology, your guess is as good as mine. 

When you want quick cash and a need to beat a long banking hall-queue, the best thing to do is to use your ATM card for cash withdrawal. 

Despite the usefulness of this wonderful device, scammers have cooked-up several and illegal ways of hijacking your hard-earned money! This happens when the magnetic swiped card (ATM card) is compromised and the information is stolen. 

In this article, I intend to call the
attention of you, my reader, to ways by which you can safeguard your ATM card and the techniques to beat the spammers/thieves from
their nefarious activities. I’m going to show you ways of preventing ATM fraud. Let’s look at these points here.


Just as I have written in the past here on password issue, never disclose your ATM card password to any living soul unless if the condition warrants such. Be careful the way you handle your card so as to prevent ATM card fraud. Do you know that the information on your ATM card can be used to buy and make payment online? Yes, it can! Your carelessness can cause you a lot if the info on your card gets to the hands of wrong persons; internet thieves. Keep your card very well and don’t handle it carelessly. Keep it save always.


Never use a dispensing machine in a shady place. An ATM machine in the bank is the most secured one to use. You can also use ATM machine in a very open place like market or clearly seen shopping-mall. Withdrawal of cash in a flashy way is still risky. Some will withdraw money and start counting it in front of ATM machine, very funny indeed. 

The question is this, can ATM machine gives you your money back either it is incomplete or bad? No! It is not possible! Then, why counting then at that particular spot? This careless attitude can do a lot of harm to you; i hope you know what I’m trying to say. 

The best thing to do when you finish cash withdrawal from machine is to put the cash in your pocket or wallet and leave immediately. Checking of the cash can be done in a private place to avoid problem. If the thieves cannot get your money via the password/information stealing, it can be done at the gun-point through your carelessness.


A lot of people have been duped because of this. If you are one of those that normally rely on text messages for bank confirmation either for cash deposit or withdrawal, it is better you have a rethink. But why? Do you know there is an online sms platform in which you can customize your text message the way you want? 

For example, the spammer can customized the text message to look as if the text message is coming from the real bank! When you receive a text message especially over payment from a customer or client, the best thing to do is to contact your bank account-officer if you know that the amount of money involved is very huge. 

I will advise that you enable email messages along with your traditional text messages. This is because; spammers mostly based their scrupulous activities on the use of text messages and not both the text and email at the same time. Only your genuine bank can do this simultaneously if you enable the two services (text and mail). Be wise!

Although, a lot of banks have invested largely on the ways to prevent ATM fraud through the use of latest technology and techniques, the customers (you and i) need to complement their effort through the ways we handle our ATM cards. It is very difficult for you to tell the bank that you are not the one that carries out a bank transaction online when all the information supplied is tallied with yours.

If your ATM card gets lost, quickly hotlist/delete it online via your online banking platform or visit your bank to delete it for you to avoid information lost. It is believed that you are the only one who knows all the info that have to do with your bank account and the ATM card. Isn’t it? Thus, you need to help the bank too to prevent ATM fraud by simply adhering to this little advice. 

If you have other ways of preventing ATM fraud, simply contribute via the comment.

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