Monday, July 22, 2013


As the saying goes thus,” prevention is better than cure”, isn't it? That is very true. The same goes for a computer-users to be wise and prevent the kind of disappointment that can arise especially when your computer fails to come up. Imagine what will be going on in your mind when you try switching your computer and there is an error message! That is the reason why I wish to explain to you how to create a system repair disc. If you don’t know, a repair disc can help in booting up your system in the event of hard disk failure. 

It must be that certain issues have gone bad with your operating system which is preventing the windows from booting. It also contains system recovery tools that can help you recover Windows from serious problem. Thus, in this post I will show you how to do that in case you don’t know before. 

 In other not to waste your time, let’s go and see these one by one steps I have analyzed here on how to create a system repair disc. First thing to do is by going to the control panel as shown down here:

 After that, click on save backup copies of your files with file History as shown above, if you do that successfully, you should see something that looks like this blow:

Then click on
the windows 7 File Recovery as shown here. Having done that, click what you are seeing above, you must see this below:

Having done that, click on create system repair disc as shown above. At this stage insert your empty DVD or CD inside the DVD drive of your computer. 

Make sure your system is plugged to the electricity supply or your battery is fairly charged to avoid sudden stoppage. If you do this, you should see something of this nature here:

Wait for some minutes. After process get finished, remove your DVD/CD and label it any title to remember it. That is it! In the case of system failure, the disc is going to be of great usefulness to you.

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