Thursday, July 25, 2013


Have you ever experienced that ugly situation when you try to charge your phone and your battery is not responding?  It might be very worrisome! Static charging  is simply the accumulation of electrical energy, causing a disruption in the normal flow of charges in the circuit. But, why this? Certain stuff might be causing it.

To let you know if you don’t, you might wonder; static energy in your battery is one common cause of charging problems of your phone battery. In cases where your battery shows charging anomaly like Zero

 or lesser percentage or continued charging for hours without any result. Most times,  it may displays battery fully charged in minutes and drains very quickly or your battery not lasting as long as it used to be in the past. 

This can give headache, isn’t it?

Is this not a

Monday, July 22, 2013


As the saying goes thus,” prevention is better than cure”, isn't it? That is very true. The same goes for a computer-users to be wise and prevent the kind of disappointment that can arise especially when your computer fails to come up. Imagine what will be going on in your mind when you try switching your computer and there is an error message! That is the reason why I wish to explain to you how to create a system repair disc. If you don’t know, a repair disc can help in booting up your system in the event of hard disk failure. 

It must be that certain issues have gone bad with your operating system which is preventing the windows from booting. It also contains system recovery tools that can help you recover Windows from serious problem. Thus, in this post I will show you how to do that in case you don’t know before. 

 In other not to waste your time, let’s go and see these one by one steps I have analyzed here on how to create a system repair disc. First thing to do is by going to the control panel as shown down here:

 After that, click on save backup copies of your files with file History as shown above, if you do that successfully, you should see something that looks like this blow:

Then click on

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


“What are the differences in SHUTDOWN, RESTART, SLEEP and HIBERNATION?" Somebody asked me this question recently. Hun! Great!! I explained to the person who asked these questions what all those computer-terms really mean. But, I think I shouldn’t leave it there without sharing it over here . Thus, in this post, it is my wish to share what these terms mean. I don't want to waste your time, please, read on.


With this mode, a user can completely close all the running programs and the operating system and by extension bringing the computer activities to a STOP. You are advised to use this mode when you know that you are done with your work. Shutdown mode can be used when you close in the office in the evening and you are about to go home. 

You can also use shutdown mode when you want to sleep at night after working with the computer.


Simply put, restarting computer means that you are making the computer to reboot. You can initiate the restart mode when your computer is hanging, not responding or when you just install an application. Some application or a little change in computer setting requires a restart of the system to make it work properly. If nothing happens as mention here, I mean if your computer is working well and you have not just installed any application/program, it is better not to restart especially when you are using the battery for your computer and not the electricity. Why? The reason is this. When

Wednesday, July 03, 2013


It is amazing these days how easy it is to transact your online businesses. A lot of e-currency and money processor company can be used. one of such is Perfect Money.This post intends to guide and show you on how to open/get Perfect Money account in Nigeria. Also, to show you how to fund it with local currency, Naira. It is quite easy to do this. 

All you need is a reliable Perfect Money exchanger. There are many PM exchangers around that will accept Naira from you and fund your Perfect Money with the equivalent US Dollars.

If you do not know what Perfect Money is, it is an account-based E-Currency system in which you can store your money in American Dollars, European Euros and transfer payment to other people and receive payments from others as well .All this online. You can use Perfect Money  to pay for products/services at some websites, trade Forex, etc.

To fund your Perfect Money account, visit the website of a reliable Perfect Money exchanger and check their exchange rates. The rate for a Perfect Money in US Dollar to Naira funding has to do with the exchange rate between dollar 
and Naira in
real time. But as of
this article, the